Athletic Youth Empowerment

Physical activity is vital to the holistic development of young people, fostering their physical, social and emotional health. The benefits of sport reach beyond the impact on physical well-being and the value of the educational benefits of sport should not be under-estimated. Character, the cornerstone to any program – the strength, speed and conditioning aspect of any program is a great place for character development to begin. 

John Wooden’s Pyramid of Success is the classic example. Sports provides a universal framework for teaching values that we all share, such as equality, fairness, respect, discipline, inclusion and perseverance. Sport possesses a transformative power for fostering intercultural dialogue, fairness, and inclusion, A true sport specific exercise program is built entirely upon the principles of functional exercise. Functional exercises are designed to restore balance, lengthen, strengthen, and coordinate movement patterns specific to the intended sport as well as a healthy life style. Exercise programming and periodization will cater to exactly the area that needs to be improved. Consequently, it will enhance your game. 

Healthy development of children and young people through sports is a phenomenal concept. Physical education and sport have an educational impact where changes can be witnessed in motor skills development and performance and educational potential alike. This shows the positive relationship between being involved in physical activities and psychosocial development. Providing physical education both inside and outside of schools is crucial in helping young people to learn and develop life skills. The results in following a well-rounded exercise program that is tailored specifically to your athletes greatly enhances one’s ability to achieve the sought-after goals. Nutritional consultation should be incorporated into this program as well. Focusing on reducing body fat by following a healthy diet will increase your performance as well as carry over into your regular life, allowing for a healthier one. In sports, as in life, many of the most critical aspects involve positive mental attitude and approach. The purpose of The Mills Korner is to discern the role of the koach-mentor making sure each one which embodies and enables the athlete to achieve levels of performance to a degree that may not have been possible if it were left to the athletes own endeavors.

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