Donate To Help Victims of Los Angeles Fires
“The first step toward creating an improved future is developing the ability to envision it. VISION will ignite the fire of passion that fuels our commitment to do WHATEVER IT TAKES to achieve excellence.”
– Tony Dungy
To establish and provide a solid fundamental foundation for at-risk and disadvantage youth ages 10-22 to close the achievement gap.
Government Sponsored Grant Collaboration
INJAS and The Mills Korner
BSCC YOUTH REINVESTMENT CalVIP GRANT in Conjunction with Bourne Family Services.
Funder: State of California Board of
Community Corrections
Program Name:
Its Not Just a Sport (INJAS)
Program Service Area:
City of Pasadena-Primary; SGV
Create INJAS Resiliency wellness Centers (spaces) within Pasadena USD & Community that supports students and student-athletes in wellness, Social Emotional, and Financial Literacy 85% of INJAS student-athletes in demonstrating reduced violent acts or behaviors or propensity to perform violent acts or behaviors.
